Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Now that it's over...

Well, it's time to say goodbye to College Lit. and high school altogether. It has been a great quarter, and this class taught me more than I thought it would. At first, as the people who are in my class know, I barely talked or participated in discussions. Now, I talk more (but still not too much.) I enjoyed the texts we read and watched, and if I could take this class again, I would. My favorite text would probably have to be Slaughterhouse-V, it was very interesting and I would definitely read more of Vonnegut's books. Thanks for a great quarter, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I agree I really liked this class and Slaughterhouse-five. I definitely would recommend this class to anyone still in high school because it's really going to give you the feel of what college level english classes are going to be like.
